How much does hosreback riding cost?

The cost of horseback riding can vary greatly depending on the location, time of day, the type of ride, and other factors. Generally, though, horseback riding can cost anywhere from $40 to $150 per ride. There can be additional costs for things like helmets and other safety gear. The cost of horseback riding also helps to cover the cost of the horse's care, including food, hay, and veterinary care.

At Rancho el Charro, we take great pride in the quality of horses you ride. To make this happen, we have to take great care of the horse! This means feeding them the best food and providing them the best veterinary care. Our gear is broken in, sure, but we keep it around because it’s authentic.

When you are looking to go horseback riding, you should consider more than just the cost to go horseback riding. When evaluating a ranch, you should take into consideration the following points to get the best experience:

  • How personable is the ride? Are there a lot of other riders going at the same time?

  • Is the trail or terrain acceptable for a horse?

  • How many rides has the horse done over the last three days? Past week?

  • Are the horses in good shape for riding, or do they look worn down?

It’s easy for a horseback tour operator to get carried away with providing a cheap ride and take advantage of their horses. For those reasons, we believe it’s best to stick to a small ranch, but we might be biased.

Rancho el Charro is a small, family-owned ranch. We’ve been offering horseback rides in Puerto Vallarta for more than 50 years. With a help from a few friends and local guides, we offer horseback rides that are all-inclusive. Our horseback rides start at $75 for a 3-hour ride.