Puerto Vallarta Weather


Is it a good time to go horseback riding?

… yes!

Puerto Vallarta is a popular tourist destination located on the Pacific coast of Mexico. It has a tropical climate, which means that it is warm and sunny throughout the year, with high humidity levels. The city experiences two seasons: the dry season, which lasts from November to May, and the rainy season, which lasts from June to October. In this article, we will provide an in-depth look at the Puerto Vallarta weather, including average temperatures, precipitation, and the best time to visit.

The average temperature in Puerto Vallarta ranges from 75°F (24°C) to 85°F (29°C) throughout the year. The warmest months are from June to September, during which the average temperature is around 85°F (29°C). The coolest months are from December to February, during which the average temperature is around 75°F (24°C). Despite the cooler temperatures, however, the sun is still strong, and visitors are advised to use sunscreen and stay hydrated.

The dry season in Puerto Vallarta lasts from November to May, and during this time, the city experiences very little rainfall. The average precipitation during this period is less than 2 inches (50mm) per month. This makes the dry season the perfect time to visit Puerto Vallarta if you are looking to spend your time on the beach or participating in outdoor activities. The skies are clear and sunny, and the air is warm and dry.

The rainy season in Puerto Vallarta lasts from June to October, and during this time, the city experiences more frequent and heavy rainfall. The average precipitation during this period is around 4 inches (100mm) per month. Despite the rain, however, the city is still warm and sunny, and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities and the beach. The rain typically falls in the late afternoon or early evening, which means that you can still enjoy the sun and the beach during the day.

In terms of wind patterns, Puerto Vallarta is generally protected from strong winds by the surrounding mountains. However, during the summer months, the city can experience strong sea breezes, which can be refreshing and help to cool down the city.

In terms of hurricanes, Puerto Vallarta is located in an area that is relatively sheltered from major hurricane activity. However, it is still possible for the city to experience the effects of a hurricane, so visitors are advised to stay informed about weather conditions during the hurricane season, which lasts from June to November.

So, when is the best time to visit Puerto Vallarta, given its weather patterns? The best time to visit Puerto Vallarta depends on your personal preferences and travel goals. If you are looking to spend your time on the beach and participate in outdoor activities, then the dry season from November to May is the best time to visit. If you don't mind the occasional rain and are looking for a more budget-friendly trip, then the rainy season from June to October might be a good option.

Overall, the Puerto Vallarta weather is warm and sunny throughout the year, with high humidity levels. The dry season lasts from November to May, during which the city experiences very little rainfall, and the rainy season lasts from June to October, during which the city experiences more frequent and heavy rainfall. Regardless of the time of year, visitors are advised to stay hydrated and protect themselves from the sun. The best time to visit Puerto Vallarta depends on your personal preferences and travel goals, but no matter when you visit, you are sure to enjoy the warm and sunny weather, beautiful beaches, and rich culture of this wonderful city.